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The Damage Report with John Iadarola


December 20, 2018 1 Season 17 Episode


Donald Trump's pick for Attorney General, William Barr, sent a memo that warned about potential consequences of Mueller investigation. In 1991, a newspaper reported that Donald Trump jumped out of his limo to beat up a mugger. The 2020 presidential race is sooner than you think, with a dozen Democratic primary debates starting in June 2019. A petition with 150,000 signatures is demanding for the appointment of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to the Ways and Means Committee. Alan Dershowitz says he hates boycotts but wishes Tucker Carlson didn't use dirty language about immigrants. Executive Director of the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking Conchita Sarnoff on the Jeffrey Epstein case that led to media coverage. John Iadarola's last 'Meanwhile In...' segment of the year features news from Australia, The Mariana Trench, The United Kingdom, and the year 2220.

28 Nov, 2018
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